Computer Tips

Backup  -

I can't stress enough the importance of backing up your data on a regular basis.  Whether your computer is for home or business use, your data is valuable and can be lost in the event of a hard drive failure.  Hard drives are mechanical and will eventually fail - at any time, sometimes without warning.  Individual files can also get damaged and lost due to a variety of causes like viruses or your computer locking up while a file is in use. Below is a list of a few common types of storage that can be used to backup your data:

Writable CD's/DVD's
USB/Thumb/Jump drives
Online Storage
External Hard Drives
Network Attached Storage
Tape Drives

There are lot of types of data to back up:  Documents, Music, Photos, Video and Business Databases are the most common types of 
data to back up.  The most common types of data overlooked and not backed up are: Email, Email addresses, Favorite Websites and User ID's/Passwords that are automatically saved.  Backing up some of those types of data may be as simple as writing them down or printing the screen.  

Whatever the type of storage you use and type of data you backup, It's important to do it on a regular basis.  You may even want to consider backing up data on more than one type of storage.  The loss of data for a business can cost a lot of money.  Losing personal data like family pictures that can't be replaced is just as bad.  The amount of time and money you spend backing up your data should depend on how important the data is to you.

Keep your kids safe -

The most important thing to do is stay involved and educated about what your kids are doing online.  Use your own judgement about what you allow them to do and not do depending on your child and there age.  

Antivirus Software -

No antivirus software can guarantee 100% protection from viruses.  For the best protection, use antivirus software from a reputable company and make sure to keep it up to date.  WARNING - Don't buy or try for free any antivirus software because of a pop-up ad claiming it found a virus on your PC - Chances are it is a virus or just trying to scam you.  

Slow Performance - 

Slow computer performance is usually caused by multiple issues compounding each other. For example, a low amount of RAM in your computer and a lot of programs running at once.  Upgrading the RAM and reducing the amount of programs running can make a significant difference in how your computer performs. One of the most common misconceptions I've heard from people is that having a lot of data (pictures/music) slows their computer down. That is generally false.  It will make some operations like backup, recovery and scanning for viruses take longer, but It shouldn't affect the general performance of your computer.

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